Safeguarding Policy

Abbey Brass Safeguarding for Vulnerable Persons

Full Policy Statement including explanatory notes

Abbey Brass recognises that the services it provides are used by children and by adults who are vulnerable or may be vulnerable at certain times.

It is everyone’s responsibility to report on safeguarding concerns to the safeguarding team.

All Abbey Brass members, including children and vulnerable people, have the right to be safe from harm. We are committed to protecting those in our care and ensuring that our safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance, and complies with best practice. Abbey Brass adheres to advice and training published by Brass Bands England. It is the duty of every member to protect the welfare of others by reporting through the proper channels.

We must all be aware of who our safeguarding team are.

A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years or over who may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from harm or exploitation. For instance, this could include, but is not limited to, a person who is elderly and frail, has a mental or physical illness or learning disability.

A child is any person under the age of 18.

Abbey Brass must protect all those in our care from exploitation and abuse (physical, emotional, neglect and sexual - PENS), whether from the self or other persons. This is not limited to abuse within the organization. For example, if a child or vulnerable person comes to an event or rehearsal exhibiting signs of abuse obtained prior to the session, it is our duty to protect and mitigate from further harm.

Abbey Brass will take every possible action to prevent abuse under our care. We will follow guidance set out by governing bodies and report through the appropriate channels. (See Safeguarding Contact Hierarchy document).

Abbey Brass has appointed a Safeguarding Lead Officer and a Deputy Safeguarding Officer, under the guidance of the Chairman. It will be the duty of these person(s) to promote a safe environment within the organization and to report instances of abuse to an appropriate agency e.g. – Police and/or Social Services. However any member of the organization should report concerns to the safeguarding team.

This policy applies to everyone involved with the Band including all members, volunteers and employees.

Aim of the Policy

The central aim of the Band’s safeguarding policy is to inform all members of:

  • Our approach and handling of the safeguarding of children and vulnerable people

  • Steps taken to avoid/ mitigate safeguarding concerns

  • Actions that will be taken by the Band in response to safeguarding concerns.

Definition of Abuse

Abuse of children may take any of the following forms:


  • Physical

  • Emotional

  • Neglect

  • Sexual

  • Psychological

  • Acts of Omission

  • Discrimination

  • Exploitation

  • FGM – Female Genital Mutilation

Abuse of vulnerable adults may take any of the following forms:


  • Physical

  • Emotional

  • Neglect

  • Sexual

  • Psychological

  • Acts of Omission

  • Discrimination

  • Exploitation

  • Financial/Material

  • Modern Slavery

  • Degradation


  • All session leaders or those responsible for children must be Enhanced DBS checked with Child Barred List Check

  • The Training Band Committee and Chairman are all BBE Bandsafe trained

  • We have an appointed Safeguarding Team known to all members

  • We have first aiders known to all members

  • All children must be supervised by a DBS checked adult if a parent is not present.

  • The Band has a duty to ensure that members, or others who may be supporting its activities that include working with children and vulnerable adults, adopt safe practices.

  • The Band will carry out Enhanced DBS checks with Child Barred List as appropriate.

  • The Band has a duty to report serious concerns relating to abuse to appropriate agencies such as LADO, LCSS, MASH and/or the Police

The Abbey Brass Committees and Safeguarding Team will:

  • set out to inform members of the procedures for responding to suspicions or evidence of abuse

  • incorporate material relevant to issues of abuse on the Band website

  • maintain vigilance concerning the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults

  • encourage a climate of openness, which enables members to pass on concerns about behaviour that might be harmful

  • produce and regularly revise policies and procedures to minimise the risk of abuse

  • investigate any allegations of abuse in conjunction with appropriate agencies

  • implement improvements highlighted through the BBE Bandsafe Toolkit

  • collaborate with relevant agencies in combating abuse and improving the protection of children and vulnerable adults

  • ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely retained by the Safeguarding Lead.

The Band expects its members to

  • refrain from any action that may be deemed harmful or abusive towards members, including but not limited to children and vulnerable adults

  • report any concerns to the Safeguarding Lead or Deputy immediately.

  • If the safeguarding team are not present at the time of a disclosure, members are expected to keep a written record, verbatim, and pass on to the SL, DSL or Chairman as soon as possible, but NOT the session leader

  • If SL, DSL and Chairman are not contactable please consult Safeguarding Contact Hierarchy Document.

  • co-operate in any investigation into alleged abuse.

Band members should be aware of whom they may turn to for advice with safeguarding concerns. Please see the Safeguarding Contact Hierarchy document.

Failure by Band members to report incidents or suspicions of abuse may lead to exclusion from the organization or to legal action.

Abbey Brass has appointed a Safeguarding Team to oversee the implementation of this policy. Concerns, complaints or requests for further information should be addressed to them.